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  • What is Accessibility?

    Accessibility describes whether or not something can be accessed by people with all abilities and disabilities. The goal of accessibility is creating equal access for all. Web accessibility refers to the inclusive practice of removing barriers that prevent interaction with, or access to, technology by people with disabilities. When technology, sites, and software are correctly designed, developed and edited, all users have equal access to information and functionality.



  • HB21-1110 and SB23-244 are laws governing the accessibility of information and technology. 

    House Bill 21-1110 is a State of Colorado anti-discrimination law that provides stronger safeguards for individuals with disabilities when accessing digital information. The bill makes it a state civil rights violation to exclude people with disabilities from government services or benefits due to accessibility barriers that they may encounter when using digital content either online or offline. HB21-1110 applies to all technology, hardware and software, that are both public-facing and internal-facing. That is any technology provided by or procured by a government entity that is used by the public or used by a government entity employee. This includes digital content provided by school districts to students, families, staff members, and the Greeley-Evans community. HB21-1110 promotes and ensures equitable access to information technology.


    Why is HB21-1110 Important?

    House Bill 21-1110 is important because it provides equitable access to digital information for individuals with disabilities, and has strict financial and legal penalties for non-compliance. The legal repercussions for non-compliance further emphasize the importance of meeting and maintaining WCAG and CO OIT accessibility standards. The bill assists in creating and maintaining an equitable and legally compliant educational system for all.



    • It is a state civil rights violation for a government agency to exclude people with disabilities from receiving services or benefits due to a lack of accessibility. 

    • Any Colorado government entity that doesn't comply with HB21-1110 accessibility standards could be subject to:

      • Injunctive relief, meaning a court order requiring compliance;

      • Attorney's fees;

      • Actual monetary damages; or

      • A fine of $3,500 payable to the plaintiff, who must be someone from the disability community. 



    • Liability for noncompliant content lies with the Colorado government entity that manages the content. 

    • Liability for noncompliance of the platform hosting the content lies with the Colorado government entity that manages the platform. 

    • By following the guidelines, Greeley-Evans School District 6 mitigates legal risks and associated liabilities. 

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